1306Y06A Lingkung Bisnis

This subject is to give the ability for students on how to observe and identify main factors that influence business activities, to predict the dynamics of the factors in the future and to identify opportunities and threats arising from the factors.

Capaian Pembelajaran

MAKSI & MM Competence 1. MAKSI: 1) Able to understand the dynamics of business environment; 2) Able to make responsive decisions to cope with the dynamics of the business environment. MM: 1) Able to build, develop and maintain proactive-adaptive business organisations that can cope with the dynamics of the business environment. 2. MAKSI & MM: Able to build networking 3. MAKSI & MM: Able to have leadership ethics and characters as a responsible global citizen 4. MAKSI: Able to think critically; able to think creatively MM: Able to think innovatively Course Competence - Able to use a holistic perspective in viewing the external environment of a business organisation - Able to identify the interests of various stakeholders’ that have impacts on the survival of the organisation. - Able to use the understanding to formulate proactive and creative business strategies. - Able to identify the patterns and trends of the interactions among major stakeholders and the arising business opportunities and threats - Able to work with the stakeholders to reach the organisation’s objectives - Able to appreciate societal cultures and ethics as a social capital. - Able to present ideas creatively and convincingly in class discussions and final exam.

Pengetahuan Awal


Referensi Umum

  • Torres, C.A.C., M. Garcia-French, R. Hordijk, K. Nguyen and L. Olup. 2012. Four Case Studies on Corporate Social Responsibility:Do Conflicts Affect a Company’s Corporate SocialResponsibilityPolicy?Utrecht Law Review 8 (3): 51-73 Lawrence, A.T., and J. Weber. 2017. Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 15th ed. McGraw-Hill: Boston Morrison, J. 2017. The Global Business Environment: Challenges and Responsibilities, 4th Ed. Palgrave and Macmillan: London Additional Reading(Recommended for Student SeminarsandFinal Exam): Al Gore. 2005. An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warning (DVD) Perkins, J. 2004. Confessions of An Economic HitMan.Penguin Books: New York, NY (3365)

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