1306Y81A Sistem Informasi Manajemen

This course focuses on learning discussion about how an enterpriseuses information technology and systems toachieve the objectives. An information system is amajor tool that cannot be avoided by managers toachieve OPERATION ALEXCELLENCE,development of new product sand services,improve decision- making and achieve COMPTETITIVE ADVANTAGE. Aspects of internal controlare also high lyemphasized in this course,given the role of anaccountant in his involvement into developments for the system. In addition,throughth is course,students will be clear about the system integration,business intelligence,e commerce,and managing knowledge. The oreticalaspectswillbethebasisofstrongandpracticalaspectswillbenuancesthatbridgetheempiricalworld.

Capaian Pembelajaran

1.BeabletoarticulatetheimportanceofManagementInformationSysteminachievingtheobjectivesoforganization andunderstandingthestrategic,tacticalandoperationroleofInformationSystemsinmaximizingtheuseofresourcesinachievingthecompetitiveadvantage. 2.Synthe size current is topics and practitioner literatur eon chosen topics towriteapositionpaperoncontemporaryorcontroversialissuesinMIS. 3.Be able touse the knowledge to interact effectively with all participants in analyzing the business issues,processes,and techniques associated with organizational information systems. 4.Able to develop innovative ways of problem-solving and managerial decision making in developing information systems and information technology in achieving the company goals.

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Update: 2025-03-14 00:45:02 sesuai RPS Online