1307Y32A Aspek Stratejik dalam Akuntansi Manajemen

This subject provides knowledge and skills as strategic intelligence for accounting professionals to integrate the holistic managerial learning through functional concepts such as marketing, finance, operation, and human resources by making careful, critical, and creative analysis as well as intuition development to bring the business survival and sustainability in the future.

Capaian Pembelajaran

MAKSI Competence : 1. Able to develop the business organization to be proactive-adaptive for the dynamics of business environment. 2. Able to think critically 3. Able to think creatively 4. Able to build networking Course Competences : - Able to understand the dynamics of business environment; then identify the potential and business planning that should be systematic future oriented. - Able to make appropriate decisions that was responsive to business and to formulate then implement the business strategy for the organization sustainability. - Able to analyze the critical business problems and then choose the best alternative for strategic purposes. - Able to optimize the art and science of strategic thinking to see the unseen in every business circumstances. - Able to anticipate the possible business problems for tactical and strategic perspectives. - Able to develop the innovative and contemporary business concepts and ideas for strategic purposes - Able to build productive relationships among classmates and businesspeople in the market place as well

Pengetahuan Awal


Referensi Umum

  • Main References: Rothaermel, Frank T, 2021. Strategic Management. 5th edition, McGraw Hill: Singapore Shank, John K. and Vijay Govindarajan, 1993. Strategic Cost Management: the new tool for competitive advantage. The Free Press, New York, USA.(5008)
  • Supporting References: David, Fred R. and Forest R. David, 2017, Strategic Management, Sixteenth Edition, Pearson Education Limited, USA Wheelen, Thomas L, J. David Hunger, Alan N. Hoffman and Charles E. Bamford, 2018. Strategic Management and Business Policy: toward global sustainability. 15th edition, Pearson: Singapore Porter, Michael E., “Competitive Strategy”, The Free Press, New York, 1980 Porter, Michael E., “Competitive Advantage”, The Free Press, New York, 1985 Hamel, Gary and C.K. Prahalad, “Competing for the Future”, Harvard Business School Press Boston, Massachusetts, 1994 Kim, W. Chan, and Renee Mauborgne, “Blue Ocean Strategy”, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts, 1994 Vari

Referensi Buku Pustaka

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